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Health services

Accessing health services and finding your way around the system can feel complicated. Read our information and advice to get the help you need.

Your hospital stay

  • Going into hospital

    The experience of going into hospital can be less stressful if you know what to expect and what your rights are.
  • Help when leaving hospital

    What happens when you're discharged from hospital can be more difficult than going in.

Accessing health services

  • GP services

    How to register with a GP and what services you can access through your GP.
  • Do you need to see the doctor?

    It can be tricky to get an appointment with your GP. But there are other health professionals who can help.
  • Dental care

    Information and advice about dental charges and where to find the right dentist for you.
  • Managing your medicines

    If you're worried that you're not getting the most from your medicines make sure you ask your GP for their advice.

Help with health costs

  • Health benefits

    Did you know everyone aged over 60 gets free prescriptions and eye tests?
  • NHS continuing healthcare

    NHS continuing healthcare is a free package of care for people who have significant ongoing healthcare needs.

Chrissy explains what NHS continuing care is

Having been through the care process when her Dad was ill, Chrissy explains exactly what NHS continuing care is and if you might be eligible.

Get your free flu jab

Once you reach the age of 65, you're entitled to a free annual flu jab

Know your rights

  • Your healthcare rights

    Read about the rights you have as a patient of NHS services and the standards you should expect.
  • NHS complaints

    Find out what to do if you’re unhappy with the service or care you receive or feel you've been treated unfairly.
Find out how Age UK could support you in your area
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Blood pressure checking

Professor Graham MacGregor from Blood Pressure UK explains why getting your blood pressure checked regularly is so important.

Sir Naim Dangoor

We are grateful for the generous support of the late Sir Naim Dangoor, CBE, and the Exilarch's Foundation.

Age NI Advice Service

Every year our Advice Service deals with thousands of calls from older people in need. Call us today to make sure that you are receiving all the help and support available to you.

Call freephone 0808 808 7575
Monday - Friday 9am – 5pm 

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