Poems from Life readers
This edition, some of our talented Life readers share their words of wisdom through poetry.
On this page you’ll find out the following poems:
Ode to a Long Life, by Jocelyn
I think I need recycling as I’m getting rather worn,
My joints need lubricating and my strength has all but gone.
The gaps between my teeth have got wider through the years,
And little tiny microphones are now in both my ears.
I remember things that happened when I was only four,
But ask me what I did last week, the minds a blank once more.
They say to give up smoking as well as other things,
But life is what you make it and all the joy it brings.
Many parts seem to have worn from active days of yore,
And no one seems to want the bits still working any more.
I could go on, and on, and on but think I’d better not,
As its time to take my tablets now to aid the inevitable rot.
I think my face looks just the same as it did when I was young,
But then I have to think again when my reflection looks like mum.
That’s not a bad thing after all, as she was lovely you see,
She liked her Guinness, as I do, and lived to 103.
Now that I am 90 and past my sell by date,
My future years are in God’s hands, I trust him, he’s my mate.
Now my days are numbered, I think I’ll count to eight,
In years of course, we can only hope, and leave the rest to fate.
Keep the Motor Running... by Sharon Browne
In my 50s I’ve taken to running,
Some kind of mid-life crisis no doubt.
My running gear favours fluorescents,
People certainly know when I’m out.
It’s not so easy now I’m an oldie,
I should have started it all long ago.
My muscles take longer to warm up,
When the engine’s running, it’s OK to go.
I may not have the speed of Jo Pavey,
My older body will dictate my pace,
But as long as my knees can support me,
Slow and steady will still win the race!
Diet My Way, by Catherine Moran
How to speak with interest
On a subject oh so paining,
How to wax all lyrical
While talking of abstaining.
How to starve, how much to eat,
Will it be fish, will it be meat?
Two lettuce leaves, one fat chip,
One big-burp, or an inch on the hip?
Listen to me, let things be,
Someday I'll find the skinny me,
Look out models I'm on my way,
Kate Moss stand down, you've had your day.
A nice drop of wine, sweet or dry,
A sliver of cheese – full fat of course,
Raise your glass, 'MUD IN YOUR EYE'
Laugh not cry, that's the toast.
Girls and boys come out to play,
What do you say – just for a day?
Have a blast my lovelies,
A Happy Heart, by Patricia Rose
Think yourself a lovely thought
And hold it in your mind,
Dream yourself a lovely dream
And very soon you'll find...
True contentment and peace of mind
As you master the simple art
Of making your own sunshine
From a warm and happy heart.
A Good Friend, by Patricia Rose
A good friend is like a pearl in the stream,
A precious gift that's hard to find.
A good friend will bring you sunshine,
To give you hope and peace of mind.
A good friend will always comfort you
Whenever you're feeling pain.
A good friend will bring you sunshine,
When all you can see is rain.
A good friend is always there for you
With a friendly 'hello' and a smile.
A good friend is a true blessing
And can make life worthwhile.
Get in touch
Have you got a poem to share? We would love to hear from you. You can write to Age UK Life, 4th Floor Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA or use our online form.