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The Unexpected Proposal

Romance can blossom when we least expect it. Life reader, Judith, shared her story of how Age UK helped her find love.

Judith's story

It was a slightly dreary, spring day on the number 51, when I was heading out of Sunderland back home, and I started talking to the woman next to me.

I really don’t remember how the conversation started, but Caroline and I had a lot in common and then got off at the same stop. We quickly became good friends. It turned out she lived across the road from me. One day Caroline suggested I accompany her to Age UK’s ‘coffee and chat’ morning. It really wasn’t my scene, but I tried to be open minded and reluctantly agreed.

As we walked in I saw a man with blue eyes and grey hair and was smitten. I’d never experienced this before, but it was love at first sight! And it turned out he felt the same.

William and I started going out for coffees and spending more time together. I invited him around for dinner one evening and whilst I was cooking, he fixed a wonky chair for me. I walked back into the lounge as he dropped some screw-bits and I couldn’t help but laugh at him scrambling around on his hands and knees. Then, completely unexpectedly, he proposed to me right then and there. It was so romantic and so us. I immediately said yes!

It’s thanks to Age UK I’ve met a wonderful man and we’ve now been together four years. Not bad for a 77 year old and a 75 year old.

So, my message to you is, it doesn’t matter what age you are there is still fate waiting for you… and Age UK!

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Thank you to Judith for sending in her letter and sharing her story with us.

If you'd like to potentially start your own love story, or just make some new friends, you can find your local Age UK below or call 0800 678 1601.

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Last updated: Jan 11 2018

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